Kala questions AS about her health & Indumathi when AS says she fainted in Basti & Indumati helped her.Indumati asks AS to take food & medicine,Leela serves food and kala asks Indu to join them for food.
AS is missing datta & naku and thinks if they were around they would have helped her in saying this truth and would have become her strength especially Datta who would have taken care of kala.
Simultaneously we see Naku in her room thinking of AS and how she used to take care of Datta & make him understand things & she should do similar act now.She prays to god to help her & just then Datta comes and apologises to her for drinking and tells her not to be angry on him.
Naku says I can never be angry on you and I know you are not doing it purposely.She alerts datta on how Digu wants him to become datta bhau and separate them for ever.They should never allow him to win and should be careful becoz he can go to any extent to trouble us.Datta understands & assures Naku that he will not fall to Digu's trap and very soon they will unite.
Naku says she too is waiting for that day & tells him how Digu trapped her into signing the contract and is playing cheap tricks with them and tells datta not to come to hospital to deliver food. She says even though we are physically far we stay in each other's heart. We must not give digu a chance to hurt us. Datta feels sad about not being able to meet her daily but agrees. Digu's spy (Peon) listens to tasha's conversation & reports to Digu.
Back in Patilniwas Indumathi is about to leave when AS stops her & says she has to tell something important to all.Kala asks AS as to why she wants to speak in front of Indumathi who is a stranger to them when AS says she has a relation with this house,Kala is surprised.
AS tells that just yesterday I learnt this truth that Indumathi is her eldest daughter. All are shocked and leela asks whether AS has a daughter older to kala also when AS says not older to kala but in place of kala. She then explains how kala & Indu got exchanged when they were born in same hospital and that her real daughter is Indumathi & not kala. Kala shocked to the core.
Precap: Digu suggests some plan to the peon who along with some of his friends goes to dhaba and start speaking of how Digu is behaving badly with Naku and holding her hand. Datta just listens but doesnt react to them as he knows its Digu's ploy to instigate him.
AS is missing datta & naku and thinks if they were around they would have helped her in saying this truth and would have become her strength especially Datta who would have taken care of kala.
Simultaneously we see Naku in her room thinking of AS and how she used to take care of Datta & make him understand things & she should do similar act now.She prays to god to help her & just then Datta comes and apologises to her for drinking and tells her not to be angry on him.
Naku says I can never be angry on you and I know you are not doing it purposely.She alerts datta on how Digu wants him to become datta bhau and separate them for ever.They should never allow him to win and should be careful becoz he can go to any extent to trouble us.Datta understands & assures Naku that he will not fall to Digu's trap and very soon they will unite.
Naku says she too is waiting for that day & tells him how Digu trapped her into signing the contract and is playing cheap tricks with them and tells datta not to come to hospital to deliver food. She says even though we are physically far we stay in each other's heart. We must not give digu a chance to hurt us. Datta feels sad about not being able to meet her daily but agrees. Digu's spy (Peon) listens to tasha's conversation & reports to Digu.
Back in Patilniwas Indumathi is about to leave when AS stops her & says she has to tell something important to all.Kala asks AS as to why she wants to speak in front of Indumathi who is a stranger to them when AS says she has a relation with this house,Kala is surprised.
AS tells that just yesterday I learnt this truth that Indumathi is her eldest daughter. All are shocked and leela asks whether AS has a daughter older to kala also when AS says not older to kala but in place of kala. She then explains how kala & Indu got exchanged when they were born in same hospital and that her real daughter is Indumathi & not kala. Kala shocked to the core.
Precap: Digu suggests some plan to the peon who along with some of his friends goes to dhaba and start speaking of how Digu is behaving badly with Naku and holding her hand. Datta just listens but doesnt react to them as he knows its Digu's ploy to instigate him.
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